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It is time for us to break up with fear.

Fear of failure.

Fear of the future.

Fear of health.

Fear of rejection.

Fear of finding community.

Fear of judgement.

Fear of the unknown.

Whatever it is, it probably is holding you back from what God is trying to lead you through. Yes some tides of life are really tough and can be scary. Yes that fear is valid. But NO, it does not deserve the attention and influence we are too quick to offer up. When we take our eyes off of the fear and turn them towards Jesus we see He has been in control the whole time and has not left our side. The fear becomes bearable and even defeatable when we acknowledge God is who He says He is and it is in His hands. YOU GUYS! We are so eager to turn the reins over to fear and stand in defeat when something new pops up and lose sight of the fact JESUS LITERALLY CONQUERED THE GRAVE TO BE WITH US AND HELP US!! Next time you feel fear feeding you lies, I encourage you to go right to Jesus with it and be filled with confidence of who is on your side, instead of the fear.

Psalm 56:3 puts it sweet and simple. It reads, “When I am afraid, I put my trust in you." 

At times we tend to complicate our faith, when in reality it really is that simple. Putting our trust in Him, specifically when fear intrudes. We should run to Jesus in every moment, but the ones that are particularly hard or scary are when His arms are spread even wider. I know it is harder than it seems, but we have to continuously tell fear that it is not in control and turn toward Jesus. This will just be a testament to “standing firm in faith” and will bring us closer to Jesus' love and peace He provides.

Recently I have been giving fear wayyyy too much power in my life and the effects have been crippling. I realized I was giving the reins to the wrong power. The song that has kept me fighting against this fear instead of letting it completely take over has been “The Breakup Song” by Francesca Battistelli. If you are not familiar with this song here is the chorus:

Sing fear, you don't own me

There ain't no room in this story

And I ain't got time for you

Telling me what I'm not

Like you know me well guess what?

I know who I am

I know I'm strong, brave

And I am free

Got my own identity

So fear, you will never be welcome here

There are a couple words here that I want to put emphasis on.

Strong. Brave. Free. Words that describe our image in Christ. Knowing who we are in Him will give us the confidence to stare all the lies that fear throws at us in the eyes and say “fear you don’t own me” The enemy’s goal is to distract us off of the path towards Jesus and knows that a couple whispers of fear can dent our journey. Be confident in who you are and what you are doing. Be confident that Jesus’ hands are in each moment molding your story. But most importantly be confident that fear DOES NOT own you, even when it seems like it may, and that you are unconditionally loved by who really matters.

Praying for peace and comfort this week as we take on fear to put it in its place. We are #STANDINGFIRM in confidence that Jesus wants us to bring Him into this battle.

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daniel hamblin
daniel hamblin
Oct 11, 2022

Faith over fear right? We know He’s got this, but we want control waaaaayyy too much right? So hard because we are human to give up control, and let Him take the reigns but withstanding those tides that come and go and giving it to Him is critical. Starting each day more and more with gratitude 🙏 Thanks for this, love you and so proud of you all for this! Refocused and reenergized 🙏❤️💪📔🤗😍


daniel hamblin
daniel hamblin
Aug 09, 2022

Perfect!!! Love this!!!!

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